
Better Living Through Design

Are you ready to do a massive redecoration? Or maybe you just want to add another little accent table to your living room? Better Living through Design is the resource to check out when you know you want to add something to your furniture and design collection. This site features creative and unique pieces of furniture that are available immediately for purchase online. This means that if you fall in love with a piece, it can be yours with the click of a mouse.

BLTD is all about scouring the internet to bring you the best products each day

, and showing you where you can order them. The two authors have immense experience in the design world, so you know the products you see are vetted by experts.

Freshome has a simple objective — to inspire its readers to beautify their homes. What makes this site so unique is its perfectly balanced posts, covering gadgets, furniture pieces, tips and more with informative text and gorgeous pictures. There is no pressure to buy any of the products shown, as Freshome is simply there to offer you inspiration. The authors will sometimes even post tips on how to achieve a design without the large budget that their featured product might require. From wall decals to curved countertops, Freshome will invite new elements into your home decor that will make your living space a warm, modern style-zone.